TheCorporation - Elegant Premium Worpress Themes

Sunday, November 14, 2010
TheCorporation is a sleek and professional theme for business sites. Grab your visitor's attention immediately with the prominent and flashy jQuery slider, and let them know who you are via the simple page-based homepage design. TheCorporation was built to be sophisticated and userfriendly, and will surely impress your potential clients.

Basic 1

Eshop - Premium Commerce Worpress Themes

Best e-commerce theme so far with balanced features! Create your own online store easily in wordpress.

It transforms your Wordpress install into a fully functional Ecommerce store complete with backend administration. Use wordpress to easily manage your store that sells Tangible or intangible/digital goods.

Built-in e-commerce features

We’ve explained e-commerce themes’ standard features in detail in a blog post. The features are balanced as we didn’t stuff every e-commerce features out there. Including only those that are must-haves for a well functional e-commerce eShop. Here’s a short summary..
  • One Click Auto Install
    This theme features our awesome single click install feature. You won’t have to set
    each and everything step by step (like you do with competetor theme). Simply
    Activate the theme and this theme auto populates sample products, categories and
    does the basic settings (you can remove them with single click). It’s much easier
    now to understand how the theme works and all you need to do is, edit the sample
    products and place your own. You do not need technical knowledge.
  • Usability
    One of the reason it took us long time to complete the backend of the e-commerce themes is, usability. We studied best practices of building e-commerce websites, studied lots of successful online eShops and brainstormed some of the key pages and functionality that may impact the sales process that your customer goes through. We reduced the steps of the process, restructured the purchase experience, debated on the small elements such as button / text / colors / notifications etc., finally concluding our base e-commerce theme to be one of the very easy to use and best performing purchase experience so far.
  • Different modes of Shopping Cart
    You may sell anything – tangible or intangible using our themes. You have an option to create your website in any mode.
    • Shopping Cart
      Like the standard shopping cart that you see on other e-commerce websites. You may choose to have “add to cart” mode and let the users add all the items they want and then lead them to checkout or, you can have “buy now” mode and take them straight to checkout when they select a product.
    • Digital Shop
      If you are selling digital product of any kind, this is a perfect option for you. Are you selling icons, digital art, PDF, e-books, scripts or any other kind of digital goodies? Select this option and when a user makes a purchase, they will have an account generated at your site and they can download their purchase any time. You don’t have to worry about third party digital delivery sites.
    • Catalog mode
      Maybe you only want to showcase your items and don’t want to sell it online? Simply choose this mode and you will have “send inquiry” button instead of buy now / add to cart. Visitors thus, can send an inquiry on the products they like.
  • Manage Products
    Add / Edit / Delete products are as easy as you create a wordpress blog post. You have a custom panel where-in you can edit the product description, different parameters, upload product images etc. real easy.
  • Order Management
    Depending upon the settings from your admin panel, you can manage the order – approve, process or cancel / reject an order.
  • Shipping Options
    As an admin, you can choose Free, Flat rate; Weight or Price based shipping option for your eShop. What’s more you can even set free shipping for particular items in case you’ve set other option for your eShop.
  • Multiple Payment Gateways
    You have PayPal,, Google Checkout, WorldPay, bank transfer and Cash on Delivery as payment gateway options. Choose the gateway you prefer.
  • Manage Tax
    You may specify overall tax percentage that applies to all your products and, you may choose to leave individual products tax free
  • Grid view / List view
    Whenever you are browsing the product collection, you have an option to see the products in list view or grid view. It’s built-in by default.
  • Guest Checkout
    Wish to provide an option to your users to checkout without registration? No problems. Simply activate the guest checkout option from theme admin panel and your buyers will not to register. They simply provide their email address and we create the logins for them. If admin wants, they can choose to send/not send their logins to them.
  • User registration
    Users may register on your site or, they will be taken to registration page on the checkout procedure. They will have their own user area where they can keep track of their order, manage profile and download purchased digital products.
  • Bulk Upload ( csv )
    Using another shopping cart solution for your eShop and want to switch to our eShop themes? No worries. You can export your data from there in .csv files and import it in your wordpress installation when you use our eShop themes. (sample .csv file included with the theme)
  • Coupon codes
    Admin can generate coupon codes for occasional sales promotion.
  • Product Images
    Built in multiple product image upload. Uploaded images are auto re-sized to fit various thumbnails required throughout the site. Also the product zoom functionality is built it.
  • Other parameters
    Specifying Taxweightcolor(s)size(s) are easy. Also you may specify different prices for different size/colors just in case.
  • Specify product size(s), color(s), and other miscellaneous features
    You may specify Size chart if applied, When viewing a product Similar Products are automatically displayed, Several additional custom widgets are built in such as customer support, Subscribe, socialize, promo banners etc. that you can use for your eShop website.
  • Affiliate Module
    As an admin, you may choose to activate affiliate program where your customers/others can signup as an affiliate partner and start promoting your products. They will be able to track their affiliate data in real time, and as an admin, you will be able to export/check affiliate reports easily. A great way to boost your sales.
  • Blog
    Of course the themes come with blog, pages etc. functionality with some page templates so you can have a blog for your website.

Sleektabs - Premium Wordpress Template

Sleektabs is a jQuery enhanced, premium Wordpress Theme that loads all contents dynamically via AJAX and displays this content with a smooth sliding transition.
Sleektabs comes with 
3 different skins you can choose from: standard, grunge and coffee
  • Sleek content sliding animation. Sleektabs does NOT limit you like other themes do: the content box adjusts its height automatically so you can load whatever you like. From static pages, to portfolio items to blog entries or categories, Sleektabs can handle everything ;)
  • Option of preloading content, linked in the main navigation, for smoother transitions
  • 3 Skins to choose from (see Screenshots)
  • Unobtrusive Javascript: unlike similar themes Sleektabs does work 100% without javascript, so you can reach people with javascrit turned off as well
  • Ajax contact form
  • Many more: Valid HTML & CSS , ajaxed comments, widget ready, works in all major browsers (IE6, IE7 , FF, Opera, Safari, Chrome) etc
  • All PSDs included

Sleektabs - 3 in 1 - ThemeForest Item for Sale

Slanted - Premium Wordpress Themes

Slanted is a microblog premium WordPress theme from WooThemes designed for micro-blogging with WordPress. The theme will turn your WordPress site into a microblog similar to Tumblr or Posterous and allow you to quickly and easily post content such as notes/articles, images, video, audio, quotes & links etc, via a custom QuickPress interface. The microblog theme include a variety of jQuery wizardry and hotkeys, custom widgets and 10 different colour schemes.

  • Works like Tumblr
  • Extensive Multimedia Support – easily post a variety of multimedia elements (notes / articles, images, video, audio, quotes, notes & links) and the theme handles all the different post types automatically
  • Advanced Quick Press – post to your microblog from the dashboard with a AJAX powered QuickPress functionality
  • jQuery Navigation and Hotkeys
  • Custom Widgets – Flickr, Twitter, Adspace, Search
  • 10 Alternative Colour Schemes
  • Custom Navigation – allowing you full customization over how your navigation should be structured
  • Backend options panel – make simple changes without editing code, like adding your own logo, changing to an alternate colour style, adding Google Analytics code
  • Cross browser compatible
  • Auto-sizing thumbnails
  • Localized for translations
  • Custom page templates

PostCard - Premium Wordpress Template

The end result is hopefully the perfect theme for a world traveler eager to share his travel experiences with friends and family around the world. The design has a prominent featured post styled to look like the front and back of a postcard, with a caption overlay on the front and the post meta information styled in the post delivery details section of the postcard.
More recent posts will feature below, together with a Google Maps plugin in the sidebar tracking where each post was written and the journey that has been thus far. There will of course also be lots of widgetized goodness in the sidebar and footer zones.
This theme is still in the initial design development phase and could still evolve, but this post is only to serve as a teaser anyway, to judge the interest in such a design, and to hopefully get some constructive feedback to help improve the usability of it.

Post It - Premium Wordpress Template

Post It is a Wordpress Theme designed for all creative bloggers
Theme Features
  • 4 characters / skins to choose from
  • 960 Grid System
  • Easy customization with theme options page
  • RSS feed design integrated in header illustration
  • Built-in 125×125 banner ads (managable in theme options)
  • Widget ready
  • Compatible with all major browsers (FF 2/3, Safari, IE6 /7, Opera 9, Chrome)
  • Tidy CSS
  • Cool footer area with custom links and text
  • Quotes design with special highlight
PSD Features
  • 12 PSD files included: 4 vector characters, 4 color themes and 4 Twitter backgrounds
  • You can remove the character and your own photo or illustration
  • Each character’s PSD allows you to adapt or change everything from hair, skin tone, clothes and items/table to fit your personality and appearance
  • Each Twitter background PSD allows you to change the character and enter your preferred information

Optimize - Premium Wordpress Template

Optimize builds on the popularity of Coffee Break theme, with stunning looks and super functionality built in to the brand spanking new WooFramework. The customizable front page will showcase your work or product in a sexy fashion. Impress visitors of your site with this optimized theme now!

NewsWIre Premium Wordpress Template

NewsWire is a CNN inspired news / magazine WordPress theme from Theme Junkie. The theme includes a backend control panel, auto-sized thumbnails, advertising management options and more.

  • Theme Control Panel
  • Automatic Thumbnail Creation (No Custom Fields)
  • Thumbnail Dimensions Configuration via Theme Options
  • Advertisement Management (468×60, 300×250, 125×125)
  • Tracking Script Management (Google Analytics, StatCounter etc)
  • Built-in FeedBurner Support
  • Custom Page Templates (Full Width, Archives, Links)
  • Custom Breadcrumb (No Plugins Needed)
  • Threaded Comments & Gravatar Ready
  • Widget Ready
  • Dropdown Menu Navigation Menu
  • Cross-Browsers Compatibility (IE6/7/8, Firefox, Safari…)
  • Email & Forum Support
  • Lifetime Upgrade

Mystream - Premium Wordpress Template

MyStream is a flexible and extremely customizable personal blog theme with massive social media & lifestreaming influences. Change the background to your visual identity, move the many available widgets around and VOILA: you have YourStream.

MarketPlace - Premium Wordpress Themes

Marketplace is a both clean and stylish WordPress theme with the intent and focus on creating a community site for industry news, tutorials, etc. This theme includes many popular built in features seen in today’s industry leading community sites. This themes comes with 5 different color options to choose from.
If you’ve ever thought about starting a community based site, then this is your theme. Purchase today and be up and running in no time at all. Themes features include: Advertisement Slots, Tabbed Sidebar Navigation, Flickr Group Integration, Post Images, Clean Comments, Social Links, RSS For Posts and Comments, and many more.

Imageblogger - Premium Wordpress Template

is a three-column premium wordpress 2.x theme for bloggers looking to maximize the visibility and ease-of-use of their blog. This theme is great for multi-author blogs, and bloggers using images in their posts. Unique author listings, post ratings, archive/category browsing, and image galleries really help give this theme its signature status look. Easily customizable display options via extensively commented template files.

Gallerific - Premium Photograpy Wordpress Themes

Gallerific is a Pro Photography WordPress theme and is loaded with tons of great functionality.

Gallerific WordPress Theme has the following features:
  1. Clean & Valid Code
  2. SEO friendly – Search engines see the content before the navigation (in the code)
  3. Tested in all major browsers
  4. “Widget-Ready” with built-in custom styling (Calendar, Archives, etc.)
  5. All major page templates included, including the 404 page Tabbed Custom Admin Panel
  6. Custom Text Fields for Homepage Text, Address, Phone and Fax
  7. Logo Customization (PSD Template Included for Custom Logo Graphic)
  8. Switch between the different styles with a simple radio button selection.
  9. Easy Category setup
  10. Two Category template styles to choose from (Blog and Gallery)
  11. Custom Post Fields for thumbnails and a “Featured Post” toggle checkbox

igadget - Free Wordpress Template

iGadgets is a free WordPress theme with options page. Supports the post thumbnails. Suitable for any niche especially for gadget, mobile phone or notebook sites.
  • Options Page
  • Post Thumbnails
  • Featured Content
  • 125×125 banners ready (easy editable from admin options)
  • Two columns
  • Gravatar on Comments
  • Compatible with latest WordPress versions
  • Widgets Ready
  • SEO Optimized
  • Fixed width
  • Logo .PSD file included in theme folder.
  • Tested and compatible with all major browsers: IE, FF, Safari
Admin Options Features:
  • Featured Content
  • Logo image
  • Twitter
  • 125×125 pixels banners
  • Sidebar Ads/Banners
  • Header and Footer script codes

Banner Advertising